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Parcel 96 Block 4 Albion Island

Parcel 96 Block 4 Albion Island

BY ORDER of the Supreme Court of Belize, Licensed Auctioneer Sylvano Guerrero, is selling by way of ONLINE AUCTION via the following property with a reserve price.

All that piece or parcel of land being referred to as Parcel No. 96 Block 4 Albion Island Registration Section, San Roman Village, Orange Walk District, situate approximately 0.75 of a kilometer west of San Roman Village in the Orange Walk District; comprising of a total area of 15.77 Acres. The subject parcel of land is fully developed with sugar cane.

The subject property is held by Land Certificate in the name of Reinaldo Novelo.

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Interested? Call +501-614-3916.

Auction Ended

Item condition: New

Reserve price has not been met

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